RC CUP 2017 Rules

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RC CUP 2017 Result

Main :

To promote the radio activity all over the world and to allow everybody to participate in all countries. Collect the many operators for an activity shared on the ground or simply by the means of the radio.

Presentation :

Organized by the ROMEO-CHARLIE group but opened to all groups around the world. Bands will be like 26.285 to 26.999 (we call it the 26 Mhz band) and 27.300 to 27.800 (we call the 27 Mhz band) as well as the free frequencies of every country, exemple PMR 446 for European Union with free use in the other divisions, these free frequencies are generally in VHF and UHF thus short-range but will count as a bonus.

The authorized modes will be AM / FM / USB / LSB and CW for 26 & 27Mhz bands and for your free frequencies one or several current modes in your respective countries who is generally FM.

This competition is opened to all that you are member of a DX group or not with exchange of progressive number (1 contact = 1 progressive given and 1 progressive receive). Any stations can contact between them, the exchange of card QSL is not necessary.

It’s forbidden to contact the same station with all his various call-signs to risk of disqualification!!! Forbidden QSP, to risk of disqualification too !!!

You can use any cluters to spot all stations, but no home spot !

You can contacted the same station in all bands (26/27 + free frequencies) one time by week-end.

That you make the competition completely or not come to give some points to the friends and it’s like that that we maintain the friendship on the radio.

It’s possible to active in multi-operators stations (maximum 3 operators), you will must give the list of operators to the contest manager.

Dates : This contest will be in 2 parts like :

1st Part : 4 March 2017 to 5 March 2017 at 00h01 to 23h59 UTC (total 48h)
2nd Part : 18 March 2017 to 19 March 2017 at 00h01 to 23h59 UTC (total 48h)

The log must be send before the 01 April 2017 (deadline). After this delay, you will be not in the final ranking and your points will not count.

Frequencies :

26.285 to 26.999 call frequencies will be 26.285 and 26.710 all modes.
27.300 to 27.800, call frequencies will be 27.555 and 27.710 only SSB
27.500 only CW
27.355 & 27.385 all modes (except CW)


Points :

1 point to a contact with a RC or no RC station who will not return his log. (All bands)
3 points to a contact with a no RC station who will return his log. (All bands)
5 points to a contact with a RC station who will return his log (All bands)
7 points to a contact with a RC coordinator or directors. (only on 26/26Mhz bands)
10 points to a contact with a RC member HQ (only on 26/26Mhz bands)
15 points to a contact with RC president 14RC001 (only on 26/26Mhz bands)
20 points to a contact with a RC activation during the contest (only 1 QSO by week-end) (only on 26/26Mhz bands)

All QSOs on free frequencies will give 1, 3 or 5 points like below ATTENTION all QSOs via relay or remote station are not valid !

Multiplier :

All DXCC & WAZ zones are multipliers (only your own country don’t count)

14RC002 Carine Po.box : 3 18500 FOECY France
Or by E-Mail à : 14rc002@rcdx.org


Trophies :

2 differents rankings will be make : single operator & multi operators (All bands). The 3 first from the 2 rankings will win trophies.